
Friday, February 11, 2011

Lessons in Mommyhood...This is just the beginning

What a great way to get ready for company coming over today! Shelbia Drew just got finished eating, so it was time for a diaper change...and not 2.4 seconds after her diaper was removed...

PPPPEEEEEEE......all the way up her back. YAY!

So then I think, it's time for a bath...and if she's in the bath, I might as well wash that full head of hair...

Let's take this opportunity to change her into a cute little outfit so she looks like a true southern belle when company gets here. Done. Her new black Saints outfit from Aunt Kim. After a few pictures and the hopes that her first words will be "WHO DAT"...what do you know....

Yummy milky spit up all over a new black dress. Mommyhood lesson learned: if it's not coming out one end, its coming out of the other, and no outfit, no matter how cute is safe from the infamous spit-up.

1 comment:

  1. No wonder we will all be so wise in our older years! I feel like every time I had on a certain outfit that I wanted my kids to wear THAT day... they would spit up, pee or poop on it!
    Well, like you said, "Lesson learned!"
