
Friday, May 27, 2011

My day so far....

So, I get up this morning (after S.D. slept 11 hours for the forth day in a row :)) and I think to myself on how I imagine my day going:

Feed S.D., drop by Brown Eyed Girl to take a look at this super awesome dress, go see the Loyds and their new bundle :), come home, lay S.D. down for a nap, clean the house and make a great meal for my hubby!

How did my day actually go?

Wake up..."Are those thrown up carrots in my baby's bed, AND in her hair, WITH snot?" When did sleeping turn your child into a sloppy monster? Feed, and Bathe. Diaper change...and spit up...(she saves it for just the right time)

Nap (SD)...awesome

Brown Eyed Girl, Super Awesome Dress just a little to short for my liking (Dang! I was so Lady Gaga-ish...I really wanted it to go well) and baby Brooks is good.

Home. Nap...not so awesome. Let me mop my floor, why is that when I mop my floor the mop can pick up dust and dirt from other places and seem to just dirty up your floor more? Dry and now sweep...again? Really?

SD playing....did she really just throw up carrots again? So glad her houndstooth blanket is now orange. Oh wait...stop the dog from licking it up! GROSS LUCY! What? Lucy, why do you have a flea on you? Lets put the baby in the crib for a nap while I bathe you! Why is SD still crying??? Why does it take an entire magic eraser to clean my bathtub? Why is the baby still crying??? Where does all this snot come from? Why do I continue to step on this rattle in the middle of my living room? I swear I clean it up every day!! Where is my clean, yet DAMP dog? Oh, in the CLEAN clothes on the couch waiting to be folded and put away because laundry never ends! Oh crap! I forgot I put on some water on the stove to make sweet tea!

Mommyhood lesson: Plan my day better. Magic Eraser and Baby Einstein are now my best friends. And apparantly the dog will eat anything, because even regurgitated it still taste better than that dry crap I put in her bowl. Maybe I should just start saving my $18.

now...I will be making dinner. No carrots.

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